Cancer. Just the sound of the word is terrifying. Just like death, it is no respecter of person. It comes to the young and the old; to the rich and the poor. No one is immune to the possibility of contracting this horrible disease. There are many faces of cancer.
The infusion room, a room of healing, is a room with many chairs set up for the patient’s comfort as they receive their treatment. As an observer in this room, many faces come through. There are those who are filled with hope, but sometimes, they are sad and full of fear, without hope.
I recently spoke to a man whose wife worked as a nurse in the cancer critical care ICU. He related that she became a Christian because she compared how the Christian faced their deaths with peace and calm as opposed to the non-Christian who had great grief and turmoil. It was one of her patients nearing the end of her life who witnessed to the nurse. Because of this woman's testimony of Grace the nurse gave her heart to Jesus Christ by the bed of her patient.
Hope is visible on the faces of the redeemed and is sadly void on those who do not know God.
My heart breaks for the ones I see that have no hope. I witnessed a lady who came in broken, sad and crying. As I observed the nurses dealing with her, my compassion was overwhelming my heart. I so wanted to reach out and tell her that there is hope. There is a Savior who stands waiting with open arms to receive anyone who comes to him. I don’t yet know if she knows the Lord as her personal Savior.
I pray the Lord will use me to be a blessing to others as they walk through the valley of cancer. I want to encourage the hurting who cross my path and share the hope that Jesus offers.
Psalm 31:24 Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye who hope in the Lord.
The infusion room, a room of healing, is a room with many chairs set up for the patient’s comfort as they receive their treatment. As an observer in this room, many faces come through. There are those who are filled with hope, but sometimes, they are sad and full of fear, without hope.
I recently spoke to a man whose wife worked as a nurse in the cancer critical care ICU. He related that she became a Christian because she compared how the Christian faced their deaths with peace and calm as opposed to the non-Christian who had great grief and turmoil. It was one of her patients nearing the end of her life who witnessed to the nurse. Because of this woman's testimony of Grace the nurse gave her heart to Jesus Christ by the bed of her patient.
Hope is visible on the faces of the redeemed and is sadly void on those who do not know God.
My heart breaks for the ones I see that have no hope. I witnessed a lady who came in broken, sad and crying. As I observed the nurses dealing with her, my compassion was overwhelming my heart. I so wanted to reach out and tell her that there is hope. There is a Savior who stands waiting with open arms to receive anyone who comes to him. I don’t yet know if she knows the Lord as her personal Savior.
I pray the Lord will use me to be a blessing to others as they walk through the valley of cancer. I want to encourage the hurting who cross my path and share the hope that Jesus offers.
Psalm 31:24 Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye who hope in the Lord.
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